Find YOU in Universal Reiki

kick start Your healing journey here!

Reiki is a NON-Invasive HOLISTIC option to personal healing, growth and development, uniting in harmony the MIND-BODY-SPIRIT.

When we start the healing process from within, it starts creating an overall stronger version of yourself. A good foundation of strength to get us through the growing pains and hard struggles of life.

Have you heard the term, “push through it”? That’s because we must GO-THROUGH it before we can HEAL from it. Reiki helps with this process and allows us to experience these struggles, much easier, and with better results!

We ALL have the power to heal ourselves, and heal others! Science is teaching us this. We all have vibrational connections within us and around us, such as, our electromagnetic field, frequency of which our thoughts are manifested, and the vibrations we emit, and do not forget how powerful our DNA is!

“Nothing comes to you, everything goes through you”

Kick start your healing journey with

Universal Reiki!

Reiki is for EVERYONE.

It is not a religion, nor a cult.

It does not discriminate against.

It is purely the lifeforce that surrounds us ALL!

“What can Reiki do for me”? 

 Are you looking for HEALING - PURPOSE - GUIDANCE? Are you looking for NEW ways to improve your health plan? How do you deal with Stress and Anxiety? Do you have trouble sleeping? Have you been diagnosed with PTSD, or ADHD? Reiki can help suffers calm their mind, reduce pain and suffering, find clarity, and restore peace within.

Imagine if you were able make smart decisions and easily find answers to questions you have about your life and your FUTURE. How great would that feel? Good right!?

Personal POWER and balance in


is ultimately what gets us through life. Can you imagine that when your body is stressed and full of anxiety you could possibly BE confident? Our confidence is POWER.

Energy work like Reiki helps FEED our confidence, our self love, increase personal power, get in-sync to self, and improves our unique healing qualities, all while increasing our manifestation abilities.

“ Reiki is the highest and most profound vibration of LIFE.”

~Garry Malone~

Did you know?

Reiki has become available in over 700 hospitals in Canada in the last 20 plus years, helping post operative patients heal in a more advanced way and more effectively, as well as provide cancer patients relief from pain and anxiety, just to name a few.

Reiki is a complementary healing modality, and is meant to be used with all forms of healing that you choose, such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Natural path, etc… 

My practice includes, Energy Healing, Relaxation Massage, Life Force Energy Coaching, as well as Aura Imaging and Energy Analysis.  See “Holistic options” for all treatment options

I provide a detailed analysis on your Chakras (energy sources), your Aura (electromagnetic fields) also included is a personality analysis. This data helps in targeting your physical and energetic symptoms and create an overall healing plan. 

I am committed to helping my community heal and grow in all ways that allow for clarity, peace within and harmony throughout, including the positive energy that keeps you getting through the daily challenges you face in life.  

“if you want to know the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency” 

~ Nikola Tesla ~

My practice is all inclusive and helps all whom need healing.   

Your confidence, and safety are my greatest priority.

Find YOU in Universal Reiki